Education evolved with time. The education system had significant changes with time. Some supported these changes and others opposed them. There was a huge online debate with two schools of thought where one supports the old education system and the other supports the new one. But unnecessary debate and argument will lead nowhere. Let's deeply analyse the education systems in the 19th and 21st centuries. The following criteria will help us to draw a fair comparison between the 19th-century and the 21st-century education system:-
In the 19th century, the mode or method of education was learning through books. But now, there is an online tutor who takes classes on zoom or google meet. You can find private classes in both eras. But it was limited in the 19th century as the prices for these services were high. Teachers also use the latest technologies like computers and laptops to teach. They give PowerPoint presentations and use the latest technology to teach complex topics. But earlier, there were only books.
Earlier teaching was not that easy because teachers had to go through piles of books to teach and explain a concept or topic. Teachers had to spend hours in the library after taking classes. They can only catch up by spending a huge amount of time and effort. But now it is easy for teachers because they can access world knowledge with ease. Technology helps students to grasp the topics with ease. But, the only disadvantage is that online classes can't happen without the internet. Not everyone can afford the cost of the internet and education these days. It was not an issue in the 19th century.
Use of technology:-
In the 19th century, technological advancements were rare. Nobody used technology for teaching in that era. But they were learning about it and trying to use it. Teachers and professors were trying to ease their experience through technology. In the 21st century, teachers use technology to teach concepts and subjects in class. It causes dependency on technology. Due to this, students don't use other methods to gain knowledge. Teachers rely on technology to explain everything. They face difficulty in developing explaining and teaching skills. Both teachers and students should use technology but not depend on it. Getting wrong information through the internet is also a common disadvantage of the internet. Dependency on the internet is the reason behind it. We should check information before spreading it. If teachers believe that everything on the internet is correct, then it will cause a wide spread of wrong information. Depending on the internet is the only disadvantage of the 21st-century education system.
Overall Development:-
There were only a few changes in the 19th-century education system. But these changes were significant and there was room to grow. In the 21st-century education system, there are multiple significant changes. But room to grow is less. In the 21st century, the use of technology in teaching brought a revolution in education. But people started to depend on it. In the 19th century, development was not that significant when you compare it to the 21st century. Overall growth in the 21st century is more than in the 19th century.
The above comparison can help you to understand the difference between 19th-century education and 21st education. There are other similarities too. In both centuries, you can find a private tutor for classes. But overall, the changes and evolution that happened were for good. Advancements helped to improve the education system. Looking at the above pattern, we can conclude that the education system will get better with time.