People who play the trumpet are discovering different ways to master it. But still, they can't find a technique to master trumpet playing in a short time. Playing the trumpet sometimes can be frustrating because it is not easy. It can be challenging to play trumpet fast, fun and frustration-free. People can have unresolved doubts even after learning from a private tutor. So, there are some steps, ideas, tips and tricks to play the trumpet fast, fun and frustration-free. These tips are as follows:-
1. After picking up the trumpet, one should take three deep trumpet breaths. Then, they should place the mouthpiece at the mouth. Then, one should blow air through the mouthpiece until they get a buzz.
2. If the ear is not good enough to hear the music, they should play only one note on the mouthpiece, followed by this one-note one step above it. One should continue doing the same for two minutes.
3. After all this, one should play three notes up, then five notes up and finally again back down and try to play a scale. One should try doing this without any breaks.
4. The very next step is not to place the mouthpiece in the horn.
5. After this step, the next step is to blow through the horn for around one minute. Make sure that you blow without playing any notes. Also, make sure that you take deep breaths with this.
6. Then start playing the trumpet with major scales and use long tones. Then, you can start with the C scale (Concert Bb) again. You must do it for 5 to 10 minutes continuously.
7. Then start playing arpeggios (1-3-5-8). Then, play the C scale again. Do this for 2 to 5 minutes.
8. After performing all the above steps, you should be warm enough. If you are not warmed up, do some lip slurs and then you can go higher than the E scale.
9. Again begin by playing the G scale (Concert F) just above the staff.
10.Work on expanding the range of playing through lip slurs. You can start from the C scale (concert Bb).
11. After performing all the above steps perfectly, you must repeat all of these steps.
12. If you get to the highest playable note, you have to play that note in repetition.
13. Buzz the lips together so that you may mimic the sound of a trumpet.
14. While playing the trumpet, one must try to breathe in 4 beats and then release air in those four beats so that they do not get frustrated.
15. After practicing breathing in 4 beats, you need to breathe in every two beats and release the breath in two-beat.
16. You can also use a stopwatch or a stopped clock to note down the time and how long you can release the breath.
You must follow the above-explained points to play the trumpet effectively. These points can help anyone who wants to learn how to play the trumpet. Most people get frustrated by playing the trumpet. The most common reason behind frustration is that most people do not know how to play the trumpet correctly. By following these simple steps, one can easily play the trumpet faster. They will also find fun playing the trumpet. The person who follows the above-explained steps will never get frustrated as these steps will ease the process of playing the trumpet. All you need to do is follow these steps every day and make some effort if you want to learn to play the trumpet. It will be easy for you to play the trumpet faster. Your speed of playing the trumpet will increase every day if you follow the steps every day. Still, if there are any issues while playing the trumpet, you can contact experienced and educated music tutors from renowned and reputed sites like SelectMyTutor.